An International Half Yearly Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal (Arts & Humanities, Social Science)

ISHAN: An International Referred Peer–reviewed Research Journal

ISHAN ISSN 2582–1016 (print) an International referred peer–reviewed research journal, RNI : UPMUL/2019/77340 is a half yearly (January–June, July–December) journal, Published by : Ishan Promote Art Culture & Improve Society, Pratapgarh –230001, UP, India.

The aim of this journal is to promote the links and leading open access journal in the academic discipline of arts and humanities. The scope of the journal focuses on theoretical and empirical research in the broad fields of arts and humanities areas.

The aim of the journal is to provide and academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high level learning, teaching and research in the fields of arts and humanities.

Ishan Journal publishes original research, creative work and critical discourse on traditional contemporary and popular issues in arts and issues in arts and issues in the field of humanities studies.